小学英语面试如何判断课型 小学英语面试

作者:敏绮南 时间:2025-03-03 18:59 阅读数:16489



1. 课程目标:课程目标是课程设计的核心,可以通过课程目标来判断该课程的类型。如果课程目标是提高学生的听说能力,那么这门课可能是口语课;如果课程目标是学习单词和语法,那么这门课可能是语法课或词汇课。

2. 教学内容:教学内容也是判断课程类型的重要因素。如果教学内容主要是英语听力材料,那么这门课可能是听力课;如果教学内容是阅读材料和文化背景知识,那么这门课可能是阅读课或文化课。

3. 教学方法:不同的教学方法适用于不同的课程类型。如果老师采用的是口语交流的方式,那么这门课可能是口语课;如果老师采用的是阅读理解和分析的方式,那么这门课可能是阅读课。

4. 教学形式:教学形式也是判断课程类型的一个重要因素。如果老师采用的是小组讨论的形式,那么这门课可能是口语课或文化课;如果老师采用的是听力练习和测试的形式,那么这门课可能是听力课。








3、Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am very happy to be here with you today. Today, we are going to learn some English together. Let’s start with a little introduction about ourselves.

4、First, let me introduce myself. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am your English teacher. I come from [teacher’s home town/city], and I have been teaching English for [number of years] years. I really love teaching because I enjoy seeing my students learn and grow. Now, it’s your turn to introduce yourself. [Call on each student to introduce themselves].


6、Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about sports. Can anyone tell me what sports they like to play? [Allow time for students to answer].

7、Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to sports. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

8、After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “What’s missing?” I will show you a picture with some of the vocabulary words we just learned. You will look at the picture for a few seconds and then I will cover it up. You will then have to tell me what word is missing from the picture. [Display the picture and cover it up after a few seconds. Allow time for students to identify the missing word.]


10、Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about the weather. Can anyone tell me what the weather is like today? [Allow time for students to answer.]

11、Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to the weather. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

12、After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Hot and Cold.” I will think of a word related to the weather, and you will have to guess what word I am thinking of. If you are getting closer to the word, I will say “hot.” If you are getting further away from the word, I will say “cold.” [Think of a word related to the weather and allow students to guess until they get the right word.]


14、Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about animals. Can anyone tell me what their favorite animal is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

15、Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to animals. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

16、After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Animal Charades.” I will describe an animal without saying its name, and you will have to guess what animal I am talking about. [Describe an animal without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right animal.]


18、Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about food. Can anyone tell me what their favorite food is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

19、Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to food. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

20、After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Guess the Food.” I will describe a food without saying its name, and you will have to guess what food I am talking about. [Describe a food without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right food.]







2、  不少面试者不太重视自我介绍部分,除了像调查户口似地“汇报”一下自己的姓名、专业、毕业院校、曾经的工作单位之外,就再也说不出什么能吸引面试官的内容了。其实,面试官需要知道的恰恰是你没有说出来的那些信息,毕竟能从简历上看到的内容,面试官都已经知道了。你要说的应该是简历中没有写出来或者没有具体写的事情。用有趣的方式讲一个能体现个人特点的故事。雇主想要听的是你取得的成绩,个性化的故事能帮助你脱颖而出。

3、  英语面试技巧二、口语表达能力

4、  面试官更注重于你英文表达的内容胜过英语本身。除非你是应聘专业翻译,否者雇主对你的要求往往是可以使用英语的基本能力。也就是说只要你具备用英语把你说的事情说清楚的能力就行了,其实这一点要求的是基本的英语思维能力。面试时使用的口语表达不用太过复杂,只要把你的具体想法表达清楚即可,太过复杂的表达方式一旦失误,会造成很尴尬的局面,给自己的面试成绩大大减分。

5、  英语面试技巧三、尊重差异

6、  任何面试都带有一定程度的主观性。也就是说面试官是否欣赏你也可能成为最后的决定性因素。因此在英语面试的过程中,应当尽量避免由于对英语语言的驾驭能力不足,而引发的不敬甚至冒犯。具体而言,主要有两种做法要特别注意避免。首先是要避免使用过于生僻的单词,或是地方俚语之类接受群体相对比较小的表达方式。因为这种表达方式很有可能造成听者的困惑与曲解。其次则是要避免过多,过于主观地谈及宗教文化或时事政治方面的问题。

7、  英语面试技巧四、疑问及时提出

8、  听不懂不是什么大问题,不懂装懂才是问题。这个不会降低面试官对你的印象,因为面试的一个很重要的部分是考察你的交流能力。而听不懂礼貌的让人重复也是个不错的交流能力。而且现实工作中由于要和不同英语口音的人交流,听不懂是很正常的,这个时候不能卡壳,不能面面相觑,不能不懂装懂,而是立刻礼貌的要求别人重复。

9、  英语面试技巧五、不用太紧张

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